Thursday, May 10, 2012

What's New?


What's new? Some stuff.
I'm so over some stuff. Am I?
Not really.
Anyway, I'm plotting on. I've got two new paintings about half finished. One is a 12"x16", "Stream of consciousness" kind of thing, the other is an 8"x10" spooky little experiment in technique. I also have a couple larger canvas' prepared with paintings in mind. Additionally, I'm photoshopping an image for a future painting, and trying to keep my mind pried wide open to draw inspiration from a variety of sources. I'm almost in position to throw the switch on the wine machine, and begin to remedy the, "Wild Giraffe" drought that is bringing sorrow to all those who have come to know Sudsy the giraffe well. Onward and upward I guess.

Posted via email from pooch posterous

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