Friday, June 6, 2008

My first Stab

Welcome to my first daily painting! I've read a few of these daily painting blogs. Alot of the artists seem to be all business. Not me. Rest assured, if you continue to read this blog into the future, you'll read more than you care to.

I decided to go with an 8"x10" format for my paintings, at least for now. Sure it takes more than twice as long to fill as a 4"x4", but it'll give me a little more room to do what I'm going to do, and that's impress. Least-wise, I hope to. Daily painting seems like it would lend itself to doing series. I like series, and tend to do them anyways, so here the first in the first series.

The rough sketch.
The undercoat Coming together.

Finished in just one hour!
This painting is sold. 8"x10" matted prints are available shipped to you for just $100 USD

I'm kidding, it took more than an hour. I'm hoping my speed will increase. As for the subject. My beautiful wife Nikki, was feeling particularly, "spirited" one day, so I thought I'd tease her with the camera. She got a bit camera-shy, and it made for some fun, and blurry photos. I am pleased with the finished product, I think I'll do another!

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